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Revision as of 16:12, 17 September 2010

Q: What distro is the shell server running?

  Debian stable (lenny at the time of writing)

Q: Am I allowed to run PsyBNC/znc/shroudbnc/Eggdrop/...

  Yes you are allowed to run a wide variety of software, if you
  have doubts about a specific software package please ask us
  about it on irc.
  We ask you to download all sources at the _official_ websites
  to avoid any backdoored source. If your processes are backdoored
  your account can be suspended without notice.

Q: I'm running <random server X> what ports am I allowed to use?

  ports 5000-5500 are forwarded to the shell server. You can use
  the 'port' command to see what ports are available to you.
  port -a will show you the available ports
  port -s <port> will check if that port is available to you

Q: There is a package not installed, can you install it?

  Usually it will not be a problem to install packages that are
  available in the debian stable repository. Drop by on IRC if
  you have a request.

Q: My account has been suspended, what did I do and can it be undone?

  Feel free to drop by on irc to explain the situation. Please
  do keep it civil. If a misunderstanding lead to your suspension
  the staff may re-evaluate it. Any descision made by the staff is
  completely at their discretion.