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== User manual ==
== User manual ==
=== Starting the bot ===
:All you need for this bot to run is a Perl environment.
:You you don't already have Perl installed, please do that first.
:To configure your bots settings like the server and nickname, open nanobot.pl in a text editor.
:Just a few lines into the file, you will find this block of text:
$version = "Nanobot 3.0";
$server = 'irc.insomnia247.nl';
$port = 6667;
$sslport = 6669;
$botnick = 'nanobot';
$botuser = 'nanobot';
$nsp = '';
@channels = ("#bots", "#yourchannel");
@opers = ("insomnia247.nl", "rootedker.nl", "fbi.gov", "eye.spy");
$modchan = '#yourchannel';
$datadir = 'botdata';
$moddir = 'modules';
@autoload = ();
$wisecrack_seen_botnick = "I'm right here. I mean ... really, how did you miss that one?";
$wisecrack_seen_self = "I can see you! You're right there! That's right, I can see.";
$wait_for_ping = 0;
$connect_timeout = 120;
$ping_timeout = 300;
:We will now go over each of these values and what they do
:'''version''': This is the version number of the bot, normally you will not have to change this.
:'''server''': This holds the value of the server you want your bot to connect to, enclosed in single quotes ( ' ).
:'''port''': The port number of the IRC server you want to connect to. (Usually 6667.)
:'''sslport''': The port number the IRC server uses for SSL connections. (Can be ignored if you don't use SSL.)
:'''botnick''': The bots nickname. This is how the bot will show up in channels etc.
:'''botuser''': Username for the bot. In IRC terms, it is "nickname!username@hostname".
:'''nsp''': NickServ password for your bot's nickname. Can be left blank if the bot's nick is not registered, or if you do not want it to identify with NickServ.
:'''channels''': List of channels the bot will join when it connects to the server. ''@channels = ("#frist", "#second", "#third");''
:'''opers''': Hostnames or hostmasks for bot admins. Note that they must appear as the bot sees them. ''@opers = ("my.ip.here", "and.some.vhost.com");''
:Only the hostname should be added. (So if you are someguy!bob@SOMEHASH-my.isp.com you should add "SOMEHASH-my.isp.com".)
:'''modchan''': This is the bots main channel, auto voice, auto oper and auto kick will be preformed here.
:'''datadir''': Directory where the bot stores data for it's modchan. (Will be created if it doesn't exist.)
:'''moddir''': Directory where the bot will look for modules. (Will be created if it doesn't exist.)
:'''autoload''': List of modules that should be loaded automatically when the bot starts up. (Module name only.) ''@autoload = ("mymodule", "kickban", "anothermodule");''
:'''wisecrack_seen_botnick''': Line the bot will say when the !seen command is given for the bots own nickname.
:'''wisecrack_seen_self''': Line the bot will say when the !seen command is given for the users own nickname.
:'''wait_for_ping''': Used to tell the bot if it needs to wait for a PING request before joining channels. (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
:If your bot seems to connect, but isn't joining channels, this might well be your problem.
:'''connect_timeout''': Time in seconds before giving up trying to connect to the IRC server.
:'''ping_timeout''': Time in seconds the bot will wait before assuming a network timeout and tries to reconnect.
:To start the bot, simply go into the directory where the nanobot.pl file is located and type:
  perl nanobot.pl

Revision as of 13:55, 25 February 2011

User manual

Starting the bot

All you need for this bot to run is a Perl environment.
You you don't already have Perl installed, please do that first.
To configure your bots settings like the server and nickname, open nanobot.pl in a text editor.
Just a few lines into the file, you will find this block of text:
$version = "Nanobot 3.0";
$server = 'irc.insomnia247.nl';
$port = 6667;
$sslport = 6669;
$botnick = 'nanobot';
$botuser = 'nanobot';
$nsp = '';
@channels = ("#bots", "#yourchannel");
@opers = ("insomnia247.nl", "rootedker.nl", "fbi.gov", "eye.spy");
$modchan = '#yourchannel';
$datadir = 'botdata';
$moddir = 'modules';
@autoload = ();
$wisecrack_seen_botnick = "I'm right here. I mean ... really, how did you miss that one?";
$wisecrack_seen_self = "I can see you! You're right there! That's right, I can see.";
$wait_for_ping = 0;
$connect_timeout = 120;
$ping_timeout = 300;
We will now go over each of these values and what they do
version: This is the version number of the bot, normally you will not have to change this.
server: This holds the value of the server you want your bot to connect to, enclosed in single quotes ( ' ).
port: The port number of the IRC server you want to connect to. (Usually 6667.)
sslport: The port number the IRC server uses for SSL connections. (Can be ignored if you don't use SSL.)
botnick: The bots nickname. This is how the bot will show up in channels etc.
botuser: Username for the bot. In IRC terms, it is "nickname!username@hostname".
nsp: NickServ password for your bot's nickname. Can be left blank if the bot's nick is not registered, or if you do not want it to identify with NickServ.
channels: List of channels the bot will join when it connects to the server. @channels = ("#frist", "#second", "#third");
opers: Hostnames or hostmasks for bot admins. Note that they must appear as the bot sees them. @opers = ("my.ip.here", "and.some.vhost.com");
Only the hostname should be added. (So if you are someguy!bob@SOMEHASH-my.isp.com you should add "SOMEHASH-my.isp.com".)
modchan: This is the bots main channel, auto voice, auto oper and auto kick will be preformed here.
datadir: Directory where the bot stores data for it's modchan. (Will be created if it doesn't exist.)
moddir: Directory where the bot will look for modules. (Will be created if it doesn't exist.)
autoload: List of modules that should be loaded automatically when the bot starts up. (Module name only.) @autoload = ("mymodule", "kickban", "anothermodule");
wisecrack_seen_botnick: Line the bot will say when the !seen command is given for the bots own nickname.
wisecrack_seen_self: Line the bot will say when the !seen command is given for the users own nickname.
wait_for_ping: Used to tell the bot if it needs to wait for a PING request before joining channels. (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
If your bot seems to connect, but isn't joining channels, this might well be your problem.
connect_timeout: Time in seconds before giving up trying to connect to the IRC server.
ping_timeout: Time in seconds the bot will wait before assuming a network timeout and tries to reconnect.
To start the bot, simply go into the directory where the nanobot.pl file is located and type:
 perl nanobot.pl